This year's wildfire mitigation plan for Air Ronge.
The proposed site is 7.4 hectares in area, located north of the Montreal River and within the municipal boundary (along Big Stone road) (including a portion of Plan 93PA07657). The site is accessed by existing trails and roads. No new access is required, and none will be created. The thinning area is designed to minimize fire behavior within the Village and to break up the run of volatile forest fuels. The land consists of mainly boreal spruce forest and heavy windthrow (of mature trees)- a map is included within the below document.
For your information, you can find the Community Fuel Management Plan below.
Forest fuel reduction (through tree thinning, pruning and forest floor cleaning) is proven to be effective at reducing wildfire intensity. Specifically, it reduces the risk of wildfire spreading on the forest floor and transferring to the forest canopy where it can spread from tree crown to crown. It also improves access for suppression crews.
Hand thinning crews will be contracted to use chainsaws within the identified block to thin softwood trees (spruce, pine and balsam fir) and burn other dead residual material in a controlled environment. The result will be a clean, park-like, area that is both aesthetically pleasing and will not carry wildfire well. Fuel reduction projects are not designed to stop fires, rather to reduce fire intensity and severity. It is important to note individuals who own property in the area should take the necessary FireSmart steps to reduce the risk from wildfire to their own properties.
The proposed fuel reduction treatment will provide suppression personnel with more options to protect the community and other values from wildfire. The proposed area is strategically located adjacent to previously cleared areas and road networks, close to values (homes, cabins, utilities and other infrastructure), to reduce potential fire loss. This not only aids suppression personnel, but also residents and seasonal visitors in the event of a wildfire evacuation.
Attachment Below: