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Village Council

Julie Baschuk


Terry DesRoches

Deputy Mayor - November 2024 to November 2026

Tabitha Burr


James Hope Howard


Dave Smallwood


Elder Tom Roberts

Elder Advisor to Council

Please find the Village of Air Ronge Council Meeting Dates for 2025.

All Regular meetings are open to the public for viewing and are held on the following dates at the Village Office in the Council Chambers at 123 Cessna Street West.
 Meetings start at 7:00 pm.
🗓️Meetings will take place every 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month.

December (2024) 3rd & 17th
January 7th & 21st
February 4th & 18th
March 4th & 18th
April 1st & 15th
May 6th & 20th
June 3rd & 17th
July 2nd (due to the stat on the 1st) & 15th
August 5th & 19th
September 2nd & 16th
October 7th & 21st
November 4th & 18th
December 2nd & 16th

📍Submissions to Council:
30) Subject to other provisions of this Bylaw, all communication, petitions, reports or other written applications shall be received by the CAO at or before 12:00 noon on the Monday in the week preceding the meeting of Council in order to be included in the Council Package.
31) The CAO is empowered to accept items of an emergency nature after the closing time for accepting such submissions and to include them on an original or revised agenda, if they are of the opinion that such items require the immediate attention of Council.
32) No communications or petition shall be placed on the agenda of Council or considered by
Committee of the Whole where:
a) the communication does not identify or provide any means of contacting the author;
b) with respect to communication, the purpose of which is to request an opportunity for a delegation be heard, does not contain a description of the issue or issues to be addressed by the delegation, together with a summary of the action or actions to be requested of Council by the delegation;
c) the communication or petition contains offensive or disparaging remarks respecting the Village of Air Ronge, Council, any member of Council, any civic official, or any other person;
d) the communication or petition is merely for the purpose of providing information without seeking action of Council, in which case, such communication shall be provided by the CAO to members of Council for their information.
33) Subject to the requirements of the Act or any other applicable law, the CAO may delay placing a petition on the agenda of Council for the purpose of determining the sufficiency of that petition.

📍 Delegations:
34) Delegations wishing to appear before Council shall make application to the CAO no later than 12:00
noon on Monday in the week preceding the meeting of Council at which such delegation wishes to appear. The applicant must complete a Presentation to Council form outlining what the delegation wishes to discuss.
35) Spokesperson for any one delegation shall be limited to one, except where Council otherwise permits, and the total time allowed for any one delegation to make its presentation shall be not more than five minutes, except where Council otherwise permits by majority consensus. The delegation shall be permitted a reasonable time to reply to any questions or concerns raised following the presentation.
36) The CAO may refuse to place any request to speak on the agenda of Council if the applicant does not fill out and present the Presentation to Council form to the sole satisfaction of the Administration within the time frame identified in this section. Delegations will not be permitted when the issue is not under the jurisdiction of Council authority, when the Delegation has already addressed Council on the same topic in the last twelve (12) months, or for a matter when a Public Hearing will be, or has been, held as a pre-requisite to a decision on the matter.

If you require any further clarification or information, please contact our office at 306-425-2107. 

If you would like to attend a meeting to speak to Council directly, please complete the delegation request form located in Documents folder under Forms and Applications and drop it off at the Village Office or email it to us at